For months United Way of Broward County’s Women United spearheaded, prepared and organized the 2nd Annual Capitol Days, joined by 14 fellow Women United’s (over 60 women) from across the state of Florida. This two-day event allowed women to promote advocacy and showcased the importance of a woman’s voice.
Our local Women United including: Women United Chair – Sasha Moon, Women United Public Policy Liaison – Sarah Weitz, United Way of Broward County’s MISSION UNITED Public Policy Liaison – Stella Tokar, Carol Cutler, Carin Poras, Heidi Alzate and President & CEO of United Way of Broward County – Kathleen Cannon, met with 12 members of the Broward County Legislative Delegation advocating on behalf of Florida’s ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Families and our 2019 Florida United Way Consensus Legislative Agenda.
During the two powerful and impactful days our ladies met with many politicians including, Chair Holly Raschein, who is sponsoring and supporting our financial stability pillar. Did you know that 50% of families in Broward County struggle to cover basic needs including housing, child care, health care, food, transportation and a mobile phone (which has become a necessity for employment)?
The Financial Literacy and Prosperity Program (HB 3693) and the Senate Local Funding Initiative Request (#1859) is seeking $1.2 million in appropriations for tax preparation assistance programs statewide that will help struggling families, identified as ALICE, receive their EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) refunds and other refundable tax credits.
At the conclusion of day two, Representative Chip LaMarca recognized United Way of Broward County and Women United on the floor of the Florida House of Representatives for their hard work and dedication to those in need. It is evident the passion, momentum and strength of what women can accomplish when working together to advocate for issues they are passionate about. Through this CHANGE CAN HAPPEN.
To learn more about United Way of Broward County’s Women United click here.