Campaign Toolkit Logo Standards
Welcome to the campaign toolkit logo and brand standards area for United Way of Broward County. These graphics can be used online, for basic Word documents and most smaller printed materials that are produced in-house. They are also suitable for signage and other large documents or professional print materials.
Please find the correct versions of United Way of Broward County logos below.
Brand Standards
The brand standards dictate the approved production elements for the logo, including color, placement and size. Find below the current brand standards for your use in developing print and electronic communications materials.
Boilerplate Language
The boilerplate statement is the statement found at the end of press releases, in brochures, etc. that is consistently used to identify the organization and key elements of its brand. When writing your boilerplate statement, please include the approved reference language “United Way of Broward County 2023-24 funded Community Impact Partner.” Shown in bold below
Example: Women In Distress of Broward County Inc.’s mission is to provide victims of domestic violence with safe shelter, crisis intervention and resources, and to educate the community in order to Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) through Intervention, Education and Advocacy. Services include counseling, emergency shelter, respite care, advocacy/case management, 24-hour crisis line, referrals to emergency assistance, legal aid and other community resources, community and professional trainings, volunteer programs and a thrift store. Women in Distress, Inc. is a United Way of Broward County 2023-24 funded Community Impact Partner. For more information on Women In Distress of Broward County, Inc., call (954)332-3459 or visit 24 hour Crisis Line: (954) 761-1133.
Additional Information
Please share the links to this information with your printers, public relations, advertising, specialty item, and other vendors with which you work to ensure your organization is in compliance with these standards.
If you have questions, please contact your community impact director, or anyone on the brand team of United Way of Broward County at 954-462-4850.