Affordable Housing Dashboard

Contact: Jo Sesodia, Director, Urban Planning Division, 954.357.6602 or [email protected]

For Immediate Release 

A New resource focusing on Broward County’s affordable housing supply is now publicly available. The countywide Affordable Housing Dashboard was publicly launched on Monday, December 13, 2021. The Dashboard is an initiative of the Broward of the Broward Housing Council (BHC), who adopted it in their 2021 Work Program. 

Initially presented to the Housing Council members during their November 19 meeting, the Dashboard received final BHC approval on December 10, who unanimously moved to publicly launch the site. 

“We are excited about the affordable housing dashboard’s release and welcome public input and suggestions,” said Marcia Barry-Smith, Chair of the BHC. “This is a resource for the entire County. We anticipate that this information will be useful to policy makers, municipalities, housing professionals and the general public.” 

The building of the dashboard was a collaborative effort of GIS, Demographic and Planning staff of the Urban Planning Division (UPD). 

According to Jo Sesodia, UPD Director and BHC Coordinator, “the Affordable Housing Dashboard provides a visual perspective of affordable housing locations throughout Broward County.” She further noted that some BHC members and their staff are already utilizing the data for housing related projects. 

“The Dashboard is an evolving resource,” said Sesodia, adding that UPD staff will ensure that the dashboard’s content reflects the most current available data. 

Visit Broward Housing Council at:

See the Dashboard here: