change lives
The “Housing First” model is widely recognized as the most cost-effective, humane and successful approach to homelessness. It provides housing along with case management and other needed supportive services. “Housing First” recognizes that safe shelter, along with food, is a basic human need that must be addressed before a person can address other issues.
United We End Homelessness supports “Housing First”
Successfully used in a number of large American cities, “Housing First” has resulted in:
- Diminishing and/or eradicating chronic homelessness. More than 90% of people placed in housing remain housed and have not returned to homelessness.
- Drastically reducing the number of stays in hospitals, jail and shelters. In fact, national best practices show that providing an individual or family with stable housing helps to reduce the cost of homelessness to taxpayers.
Ultimately, the goal of the Broward Business Council on Homelessness is to improve the health, well-being and stability of the homeless, and make Broward County’s streets, parks, beaches and public spaces clean, safe and accessible to all our residents and visitors.