LOVE United: How Small Acts of Kindness Can Strengthen Our Community

10 Ways You Can Cultivate Bonds and Care Across Broward

Valentine’s Day is coming soon, and this day of love can be celebrated in a variety of meaningful ways. And it can provide the perfect opportunity to give back to the community we love.

United Way of Broward County’s LOVE United promotes love and kindness both on this day and throughout the entire year. In a world where grand gestures often get the spotlight, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact of how seemingly insignificant actions can bring care and compassion to other people around us.

Here are 10 examples of ways you can participate in LOVE UNITED, fortify bonds with our neighbors, and help build a more resilient, supportive, and connected community.


1. Compliment a Stranger

Telling a stranger that you like his or her outfit or appreciate his or her smile can lift spirits, boost confidence, and create a positive interaction. It’s one small gesture, but the result can make a significant impact on how someone thinks and feels.

2. Hold the Door Open

Holding the door open for someone can make daily errands more pleasant for others. It’s another simple way to show consideration as well as create a moment of courtesy and humanity.

3. Pay It Forward

Whether you’re in a coffee shop, drive-thru, or place for lunch, consider paying for the order of the person near you. This kindness likely will surprise the recipient, possibly inspire him or her to continue the chain of generosity, and then create waves of positivity.

4. Help Someone with His or Her Groceries

If you see someone struggling with their groceries or carrying heavy bags, offer to help. By lending a hand, you could make the burdens of a person’s day easier, and you may be surprised how you have made a positive impact.

5. Write Thank-You Notes

Taking a few minutes to write thank-you notes to people who have made a difference in your life can be incredibly touching. A note to your mail carrier, barista, coworker, or family member with “I appreciate you” or “Thank you for being there for me” can mean the world to someone.

6. Volunteer Your Time

Generosity doesn’t have to involve money. Offering your time, skills, or resources can be incredibly impactful. Volunteering an hour or two of your time at a food bank, elementary school, or community center can make an enormous difference to a person’s or child’s life. Finding ways to give back to your community can be incredibly rewarding to both you and the people in need.

7. Reach Out to Someone in Need

If you know someone who is going through a tough time, make a phone call, send a text, or plan a visit to show the person he or she is not alone. Listening and having empathy for someone’s challenges can

make a significant difference, including on your own perspective about any challenges you may be facing.

8. Be Kind to the Environment

Simple actions like picking up litter, starting a garden, or conserving water can have a positive impact on the planet. Being a part of a local clean-up event or recycling program in your neighborhood likely will motivate others to do the same.

9. Be Kind Online

In the digital age, kindness extends to online interactions. Taking a moment to leave positive comments, sharing uplifting content, or offering support to someone on social media can do wonders in fostering a positive online environment that is very much needed.

10. Practice Self-Kindness

Finally, being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. Practicing self-care, knowing your limits, and letting go of past mistakes will improve your overall well-being. And when you take care of yourself, you’re much better equipped to show care to others.

Kindness is a powerful force that can transform our lives and the world around us. By making these thoughtful, sometimes spontaneous, acts of kindness automatic in our daily lives, we can make a tangible difference in creating bonds and increasing connections with our community. Together, we can enrich lives and contribute to the collective power of a vibrant, resilient community.

What inspires and motivates you? Please share your ideas and experiences on your social channels, and share and tag @UnitedWayofBroward.

We’d love to know all the ways you are helping to build a strong, connected Broward County!