United Way of Broward County is committed to addressing homelessness and housing instability through a comprehensive approach involving community collaboration, resource development, and targeted interventions. To effectively tackle homelessness in Broward County and drive a sustainable systems-level transformation, United Way recognizes affordable housing is the cornerstone of homelessness prevention. Our approach is centered on three key pillars: addressing Root Causes, supporting Prevention and Programs, and enhancing Quality of Life. Concentrating on these pillars establishes a responsive, adaptable, and innovative community framework providing immediate assistance to those experiencing homelessness and works proactively to prevent homelessness from occurring in the first place.

Address the root causes of homelessness and affordable housing through system and policy changes.
Expand homelessness prevention and housing programs to meet the need.
Improve quality of life for unsheltered individuals and create healthy neighborhoods.
CLICK HERE to read United Way of Broward County’s Five-Year Housing and Homelessness Program Strategic Plan.
Affordable housing is defined as “housing in which the occupant is paying no more than 30% of gross monthly income for housing costs.” In Broward, the most recent United Way ALICE Report (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) shows that 77,000 renters — two-thirds of whom are people of color — are severely cost-burdened, spending over 50% of their monthly income on housing. HOUSING UNITED’s impact will ensure affordable housing projects are approved and created to directly benefit ALICE households.
Discover detailed information and resources about housing in Broward County at the Housing Resource Center. Stay informed about housing initiatives, support services, and real-time data on housing and homelessness.
Volunteer Commitee
The committee will select the agency providers and projects as well as assist facilitating long term support services for the newly housed residents. This program will benefit from engagement of stakeholders across the business and community sectors, including lenders, financial institutions, developers, and builders.
Policy Changes
United for Housing will advocate for local policy changes to increase our community’s affordable housing stock. These steps include engaging with civic leaders and enterprising ways to incentivize developers; repurposing land; and enlisting support from stakeholders within the business community and financial institutions.
Businesses & Donors
We are seeking strategic partnerships and monetary support from our business community and philanthropic partners to join us and advance this impact.
For more information contact Rebecca McGuire at [email protected]